Tribal Toolbox Activities
Use caution when building or editing a workflow. For further advice or to arrange training, contact your professional services consultant.
The Tribal Toolbox includes activities associated with Tribal applications and databases that can be included in workflows.
Refer to Use Workflow Activities for further information.
Tribal Toolbox activities:

The activities available in the Tribal Generic group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddSQLCommmandParameter | Adds a Structured Query Language (SQL) command parameter. |
AddStringFormatParameter | Adds a String.Format parameter. |
AuditActivity | Outputs a specific activity. |
Configuration Activity | Adds configuration values. |
CreateEmailAttachmentActivity | Adds an attachment to an email. |
CreateFolderActivity | Creates a Windows file folder at the specified location. |
DataRowGetValue |
Retrieves specific table information. Refer to the DataRowGetValue activity description for more information. |
DeleteFileActivity | Deletes a specific file. |
DeleteFolderActivity | Deletes a specific folder. |
EmailAttachmentBuilderActivity | Adds multiple attachments to an email. |
ICalMessageActivity | Adds a calendar activity, with the specified parameters. |
LoggingActivity | Adds the specified value to the Debug, Error, Info, or Ward log. |
RaiseWorkflowRequestActivity | Adds an event to the workflow |
SendEmailActivity |
Sends an email (for example: to distribute configuration information). Refer to the SendEmailActivity description for more information. |
SQLCommandActivity | Adds a SQL command to the workflow. |
SQLQueryActivity |
Runs a SQL select statement that can be used to run a query. Refer to SQLQueryActivity description for more information. |
StringFormat | Outputs specified text from the workflow. |
TrackingMessageActivity | Adds a tracking message to the workflow. |
TypeConvertorActivity | Converts specified values from one type to another. |
WorkflowMessageActivity |
Outputs a message from your workflow. Refer to the WorkflowMessageActivity description for more information. |
WorkflowTrackingCleanUpActivity |
Purges tracking data associated with the workflow after a specified number of days have past. Refer to the WorkflowTrackingCleanUpActivity description for more information. |
WorkflowWarningMessageActivity | Outputs a message from the workflow when a specified value is met. |

The activities available in the A2C Exams group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
PingAwardingOrganisations | Pings the awarding organisations. |
ProcessIncomingExamMessages | Processes incoming A2C exam messages. |
PullMessagesFromAwardingOrganisations | Pulls A2C messages from awarding organisations. |
PushMessagesToAwardingOrganisations | Pushes A2C messages to awarding organisations. |

The activities available in the Applications/Enrolments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ChangesApplicationProgressCode | Changes an application's progress code. |
ChangeEnrolmentProgressCode | Changes an enrolment's progress code. |
ChangeUnpaidBasketEnrolments | Changes the enrolment status to one defined in the institution setting. |
CheckAndSetAutoCompletion | Checks and sets the auto completion flag for linked enrolments. |
CheckRequiredFeesPaid | Checks required fees have been paid. |
CreateInterviewEvent | Creates a new Interview event for an application. |
DeleteEnrolments | Attempts to delete the specified enrolments. |
DeleteUrlsFromBlobs | Deletes any Uniform Resource Locator (URL) from blobs based on the domain specified for a specified time period. |
DeterminePeopleUnitsList | Gets a list of people unit IDs. |
GetApplication | Gets an application. |
GetChildEnrolments | Returns a list of child enrolments. |
GetEnrolKeyInfo | Gets key information about an enrolment. |
GetEnrolment | Gets an enrolment. |
GetEnrolmentByFeeIds | Gets an enrolments by fee ID. |
GetExpiredAdmissionEnrolments | Returns a list of enrolments that have passed a specified time frame which is set by the Idle Transaction Time (mins) institution setting that have been created via admissions portal, and not updated since. |
GetExpiredBasketEnrolments | Returns a list of enrolments that have passed a specified time frame which is set by the Idle Transaction Time (mins) institution setting that have been created via learner portal, and not updated since. |
GetFeesForEnrolments | Gets all fees for the given enrolment. This includes fees on the parent course, and any child units and so on. |
GetPendingOrInWaitingListPeopleOfEnrolment | Gets the people enrolled to an UIO, with pending or waiting list status. |
GetProgressWithPendingEnrolments | Gets people with pending enrolments. |
GetProgressCodeDataFromTypeName | Gets the details for a specified progress code type name (for example: 'ACTIVE'). |
HasParentEnrolment | Returns whether an enrolment has a parent. |
MarkECAFSubmitted | Marks ECAF Submitted and cascade ECAF Submitted fields to child UIOs. |
NSWSGroupSync | Gets a list of people who's groups (for example: Scholastic Year, House, Religious instruction group and Roll Class) need updating. |
PublishAssessmentsForAttainment | Sends a PublishPersonDetails notification to UIS. |
SendInterviewAppointmentEmail | Sends an interview appointment. |
SyncPeopleGroupsForPerson | Synchronise people groups (for example: Scholastic Year, House, Religious instruction group and Roll Class) for a single learner from latest enrolments. |
TransferUnpaidFeeBalancesToVetFeeHelpLoans | Transfers unpaid fee balances to Vet Fee Help Loans. |
WithdrawFromUnitAttainments | Withdraws from a unit attainment. |

The activities available in the Awards group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AutoCompleteAwards_CreateAwards | Saves award rules pass or fail data and creates awards as required. |
AutoCompleteAwards_ProcessEnrolment | Processes the enrolment, for a people unit id, with the awards engine. |
AutoCompleteAwards_VerifyEnrolment | Verifies that an enrolment is ready for awards rule processing by checking that it contains no ungraded attainments that contribute to the award. |
AutoCompletion | Runs the awards rules engine for all learners with auto completion flag set. Creates their awards if required. |
EnrolmentRulesEngineExecutor | Runs the awards rules engine for a specified enrolment returning if passed or not. |
GetOutcomeDateConferred | Gets the date conferred to use when granting outcomes. |

The activities available in the Campaign Management group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ArchiveCampaignTargetDetails | Archives campaign target details. |
ArchiveFiredRules | Archives fired rules. |
CreateCall | Creates a Campaign Management call. |
CreateConversation | Creates a Campaign Management conversation. |
GetCampaignTarget | Gets a Campaign Management target. |
GetCampaignTargets | Gets Campaign Management targets. |
GetCampaignTemplate | Gets a Campaign Management template. |
InsertWorkList | Inserts a Campaign Management work-list item. |
PopulateEmailTemplate | Gets a Campaign Management target. |
UpdateCampaignProgress | Updates the progress of a campaign. |
UpdateCampaignStatus | Updates the status of a campaign. |
UpdateCampaignTargetStatus | Updates the status of a campaign target. |

The activities available in the CDR Returns group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
DataTransformation | Data Transformation. |
DeleteCDRSnapshot | Deletes a Consolidated Data Return (CDR) Snapshot. |
DeleteErrorLogs | Deletes CDR error logs. |
Notification | Adds a notification. |
Output | Generates the CDR file. Specifies the academic year to fetch data for and the CD snapshot(s) to return. CDR can be loaded from the database or from a CDRSnapshot argument. |
PrepareValidator | Prepares the validator. |
ProcessValidation | Processes errors. |
SaveErrors | Saves errors. |
SaveSnapshot | Saves a snapshot . |

The activities available in the Communication group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
Buzz | Sends an engage message. |
GetEmailTemplate | Gets an email template. |
LogCommunications |
Records communications within ebs when included in a sequence activity after SendEmailActivity. Refer to the LogCommunications activity description for more information. |
PrepareSuspensionOrExpulsionEmail | Prepares school suspension or expulsion email. |
SendEmail |
Sends an email. Refer to the SendEmail activity description for more information. |
SendPersonEmail | Sends an email to a person. |
SendSms |
Sends an SMS (Short Message Service) message. Refer to the SendSms activity description for more information. |
UpdateCommunicationByBlobld | Updates a communication identified by its blob ID. |

The activities available in the Contact Management group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
GetOwnerForEntityTypeAndStatus | Gets the Contact Management owner. |
InsertContactManagementTask | Inserts a Contact Management task. |
SetConversationOwner | Sets the conversation owner. |

The activities available in the Correspondence group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
FetchDocumentMessages | Fetches document messages for the specified batch ID. |
GetBatchAttachments | Gets attachments for the specified batch ID. |
GetDocumentTemplateAttchments | Gets document template attachments. |
GetGeneratedCorrespondenceAsAttachment | Gets generated correspondence attachments. |
SendCorrespondence | Sends correspondence. |
BuildTemplateParametersList | Gets a list of parameters to use when generating correspondence. |

The activities available in the Curriculum group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
BlockBookingCleanup | Removes any block bookings that remain unassigned beyond a specified number of days. |
CascadeNominalHours | Cascades the nominal hours for specific statuses. |
CheckCurriculumAwards | Checks if the Curriculum item has awards. |
GetLinkedUios | Gets child unit instance occurrences, optionally recurse deeper than one level. |
GetUIDataMarshaller | Gets a DataMarshaller with the details of a Unit Instance (UI). |
GetUIODataMarshaller | Gets a DataMarshaller with the details of a Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO). |
IsUIOSubsidised | Checks whether the UIO is subsidised by looking at the program stream. |
ValidateVSLApprovedStatus | Determines whether there is an active entry for the qualification code on a VSL approved list that is valid for the specified date. |

The activities available in the Curriculum Planner group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
GetPathwayData | Gets the pathway data for a Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO). |
RunCPWorkflow | Runs a child curriculum planning workflow. |
RunCPWorkflowAsync | Runs a child curriculum planning workflow asynchronously. |
SynchPlanFigures | Synchronises curriculum planning figures. |
SynchWorkflowProperties | Synchronises curriculum planning properties. |

The activities available in the Digital Signatures group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
UploadReport | Uploads a report to be signed and sends an email. |

The activities available in the Edge Integration group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
EdgeNotifyByQuery | Synchronises notifications to Edge for data returned from a query. |
EdgePagedSync | Synchronises batches of data to Edge |
EdgeSyncAndNotifyByIds | Synchronises notifications to Edge for an array of IDs. |
EdgeSyncByIds | Synchronises data to Edge for an array of IDs. |
EdgeSyncByQuery | Synchronises data to Edge for data returned from a query. |

The activities available in the EMA group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ProcessAttendenceUpdate | Processes Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) attendance updates. |
ProcessPendingPayments | Processes pending EMA payments. |
UploadPayment | Uploads EMA payments. |

The activities available in the Exams/Assessments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AutoCompleteAwards_CreateAwards | Saves award rules (for example: pass or fail) data and creates awards as required. |
AutoCompleteAwards_ProcessEnrolments | Processes the enrolment, for a people unit ID, with the awards engine. |
AutoCompleteAwards_VerifyEnrolment | Verifies that an enrolment is ready for awards rule processing checking that it contains no ungraded attainments that contribute to the award. |
GetAttainmentResult | Gets attainment results. |
GetEnrolmentExamEntries | Gets enrolment exam entries. |
GetEnrolmentWithdrawnNotification | Gets enrolment withdrawal notification. |
GetExamAministrators | Gets the list of all exam administrators. |

The activities available in the Fees/Payments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AutoSettleEftposTransactions | Automatically settles electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) transactions. |
AutoSettleEPaymentTransaction | Automatically settles ePayment transactions. |
BPAYFeeMatching | Inputs the external BPAY Notification ID to the workflow. |
BPAYNotification | BPAY Fee Matching. |
CanPrintReceipt | Takes a receipt number and returns a boolean of whether the receipt can be printed. |
CreateMatchFeesDataMarshallers | Creates match fees to receipt DataMarshallers. |
CreateReceiptHeaderDataMarshaller | Creates a receipt header DataMarshaller. |
FeeStatementGeneration | Generates a fee statement. |
GenerateInternalVOSRequests | Gets internal Studylink VOS requests. |
GetMandatoryNonInvoicedFees | Gets a list of mandatory fees that haven't been assigned an invoice run number. |
GetNonMandatoryNonInvoicedFees | Gets a list of non-mandatory fees that haven't been assigned an invoice run number. |
GetReceiptNumber | Takes a receiptIDs collection and returns a collection of receipt numbers. |
NotForBankingAutoSettleTransaction | Automatically settles Not for banking transactions. |
RefundAndRegenTppReceipt | Regenerates a TPP system receipt. |
SetFeesAsPrinted | Marks fees as printed from a CAN report perspective. |

The activities available in the General group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddDataValueToMarshaller | Creates a new data value and adds it to the DataMarshaller. |
AddMessageLogEntry | Adds a new entry into the Message_logs table. |
AddToDataMarshallerReader | Appends a row to a DataMarshallerReader. |
AddToDataMarshallers | Appends a DataMarshaller(s) to a DataMarshallers collection. |
AppendToStringBuilder | Appends a string to a string builder. |
AppendToStringList | Appends a string to a string list. |
Coalesce | Performs a COALESCE on the values passed in, returning the first non null or empty value . |
ConvertDataTableToDataMarshallerList | Converts a DataTable to a list of DataMarshallers. |
ConvertDataTableToGroupedMarshallerList'1 | Converts a DataTable to a list of DataMarshallers. |
ConvertDelimitedStringToList | Converts a delimited string into a List of values. |
ConvertStringToDateTime | Converts a string to DateTime. |
CopyFile | Copies a file. |
CreateDataMarshaller | Creates a new DataMarshaller. |
CreateDirectory | Creates a directory. |
CreateUpdateSearchString | Creates (or updates) a SearchString object. |
CreateWorkflowRequest | Raises a workflow request. |
CreateZip | Create a zip file. |
DataMarshallerPerformUpdate | Performs a Set.PerformUpdate on a DataMarshaller. |
DateAppearsInRecurringDatePattern | Determines whether a specified date appears in a recurring date pattern. |
DeleteDirectory | Deletes a directory (and optionally immediate files in that directory). |
DeleteFile | Deletes a file. |
DeleteFiles | deletes a pattern of files in a directory. |
DeleteRecords | Deletes records with the specified table, column name and value. |
DirectoryExists | Checks if a directory exists or not. |
ExcuteTransactionalSql | Executes an SQL statement in a transaction. |
FilterContexts | Filter a set of institution contexts that are using the base schedule. |
GenerateBatchedCSV | Generates batches of Comma Separated Values (CSV) strings for use in an insert / update query. |
GenerateReferralData | Generates referral data which can then be used in correspondence. |
GenericGetConfig | Gets a configuration setting. |
GenericGetDataMarshallerValue | Gets typed value from DataMarshaller. |
GetBlob | Gets a blob from the blobs table. |
GetCascadingOptions | Gets cascading option value. |
GetConfigurationSetting |
Gets a configuration setting. Refer to the GetConfigurationSetting activity description for more information. |
GetConnectionString | Retrieves current connection string. |
GetContextDetails | Get the system context details by context id or context code. |
GetCurrentDate | Gets the current date. |
GetDataMarshallerValue |
Get a value from a DataMarshaller and checks for exists, null and empty data. Refer to the GetDataMarshallerValue activity description for more information. |
GetInstitutionSetting | Get an institution setting from the database. |
GetInterfacePage | Retrieves data from an Interface identified by a ScreenName that has been defined in Designer, passing in a set of Key<->Value pairs. |
GetInterfacePageJson | Retrieves JSON data from an Interface identified by a ScreenName that has been defined in Designer, passing in a set of Key<->Value pairs. |
GetSequenceNumber | Gets a sequence number from the database. |
GetTemporyDirectoryPath | The path to the Windows temporary directory. |
GetVerifier | Gets Verifier Details. |
GetWebSetting | Gets a webconfig setting from the database. |
IterateOverDataReader | Iterates over a result set and instantiates a BaseDataEntity for each result row. It also executes a count so it can track the progress through the result set. |
IterateOverSQL | Iterates over a result set and instantiates a BaseDataEntity for each result row. It also executes a count so it can track the progress through the result set. |
LearnerAccountManagement | Creates a DEC user or reset DEC password. |
MatchRegEx | Matches a string against a given regular expression, returning true if they match. |
MessageLogEndBatch | Creates a new batch in the Message_logs table. |
MatchLogStartBatch | Creates a new batch in the Message_logs table. |
MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk |
Moves a blob record from the database to a folder location. Refer to the MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk activity description for more information. |
PrintBureauExportAndAudit | Exports awards data extract to an xml file and records associated audit data. |
ProcessEmailTempalate | Processes an email template. |
PurgeMessageLogsForBatchType | Purges the Message_logs table of history entries for a particular batch type. |
RaiseIntegrationEvent | Creates and sends an integration workflow. |
SaveDataMarshallers | Saves the DataMarshallers. |
SaveTextToFile | Saves text string to a text file, assuming that the directory already exists. |
ScheduleTask | Creates a schedule in runtime to execute a workflow task. |
SendNotification | Sends a notification message to the UIS routing service. |
SendProgressTrackingMessage | Tracks the progress of an item within the workflow. |
SetDataMarshallerValue | Sets a column value in the DataMarshaller. |
SetEntityColumnValue | Perform a database table update. |
SmcXmlExportActivity | Exports SMC driven data to XML. |
WriteActionListEntry | Writes an action list entry. |

The activities available in the ILR Returns group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ContinuingLearnerAims | Generates Individualised Learner Record (ILR) continuing learner records. |
Delete | Deletes ILR records. |
DisadvantageUplift | Recalculates disadvantage uplift factor for ILR records. |
Generate | Generates ILR records. |
Output | Outputs an ILR file. |
RecalculateFees | Recalculates fees for ILR records. |
RecalculatePlannedHours | Calculates Learner Planned Hours for ILR records. |
RepopulateProvider | Repopulates ILR Provider factors. |
ValidateOutput | Validates an ILR output file. |

The activities available in the Interfaces group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CreateCSVFile | Creates a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file from an Structured Query Language (SQL) query defined in the Interfaces module. |

The activities available in the Invoices group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
GetFeesFromInvoice | Gets a list of fees from an invoice. |

The activities available in the LLWR Returns group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CreateDeleteFiles | Creates delete files. |
Delete | Deletes Lifelong Learning Wales Record (LLWR) records. |
Generate | Generates LLWR records. |
ImportErrors | Imports LLWR errors. |
ImportUli | Imports ULI numbers. |
Output | Outputs the LLWR data return. |
OutputLearnersWithoutUli | Outputs learner records without ULI numbers. |
RecalculateFees | Recalculates fees for LLWR records. |
SetProvider | Sets LLWR Provider ID. |

The activities available in the LNAAT group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddLearnerAssessmentEnrolment | Adds a new learner assessment enrolment to the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool (LNAAT) service. |
DeleteAssessment | Deletes an existing assessment for a specified learner from the LNAAT service. |
DownloadLearnerAssessments | Downloads a learner assessment from the LNAAT service. |
UpdateExistingAssessment | Updates an existing assessment to the LNAAT service. |
UploadChangedLearner | Uploads a changed learner to the LNAAT service. |
UploadNewAssessment | Uploads a new assessment to the LNAAT service. |
UploadNewLearner | Uploads a new learner to the LNAAT service. |

The activities available in the MIAP group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
LRSRegisterLearners | Learning Records Service (LRS) register learners. |
LRSUpdateLearners | LRS update learners. |
LRSVerifyLearners | LRS verify learners. |
PreFlightCheck | Performs the preflight check for MIAP returning whether it is valid or not. |

The activities available in the Notifications group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CreateNotification | Creates a notification. |

The activities available in the NSN group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
NSNProcessUnregisteredLearners | Synchronises unregistered learners with the National Student Index (NSI). |
NSNProcessUnverifiedLearners | Synchronises unverified learners with the NSI. |
NSNProcessUpdatedLearners | Synchronises updated learners with the NSI. |

The activities available in the Payments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
InvoiceSelectedFees | Creates invoices for selected fees that are yet to invoiced. |

The activities available in the People group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AdminDeleteLearner |
Administrative learner delete. Refer to the AdminDeleteLearner activity description for more information. |
CreateTask | Creates a task. |
GetContactDetails | Gets the details of a person's contact. |
GetContacts | Gets a DataMarshaller list with the details of a person's contacts. |
GetMobileNumbersFromPersonCodes | Gets mobile numbers from a list of person codes. |
GetPeopleByOrganisationAndApplicationRole | Gets people based on organisation and application role. |
GetPeopleByOrganisationAndRole | Gets people based on organisation and role. |
GetPeopleByPosition | Gets a list of DataMarshaller of People records with a certain position. |
GetPeopleByRole | Gets a list of DataMarshallers of People records with a certain role. |
GetPersonDataMarshaller | Gets a DataMarshaller of a person's record. |
HasLearnerDisabilities | Checks whether a learner has disabilities. |
PublishPersonDetails | Generates internal Studylink VOS requests for changes to a particular Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO). |

The activities available in the Registers/Timetables group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CascadeRegisters | Cascades progress information to the selected registers. |
GetBatchSIFDataLinkXML | Retrieves a batch of SIF derived Extensible Markup Language (XML) from DataLinks identified by a ScreenNames that have been defined in Designer. |
GetDefaultUsageCodes | Gets default usage codes. |
GetSIFDataLinkXML | Retrieves SIF XML from DataLink identified by a ScreenName that has been defined in Designer. |
GetStartAndEndTimes | Gets the school start and end times. |
GetStartAndEndTimesForDaysSelected | Gets the school start and end times for the selected days. |
GetUsageDetails | Gets usage details. |
PlannedAbsenceAddAbsenceRecords | Adds the relevant absence records for a specified planned absence. |
PlannedAbsenceMarkSlots | Marks the relevant REDS slots for a specified planned absence. |
RegisterEventsProcess | Process timetables changes. |
SenSIFBatchMessageToFCNet | Send SIF Integration event information to SEIS service. |
SetLearnerNotes | Sets a learner note on a slot. |
SIFImportTimetables | Retrieves SIF XML from Zip file and populates list of inbound event data object in IntegrationEventBatchData.RequestObjects. |
SIFUnzipToInboundEventData | Retrieves SIF XML from Zip file and populates list of inbound event data object in IntegrationEventBatchData.RequestObjects. |
UpdateRegister | Updates student registers. |
ZipBatchSIFDataLinkXML | Converts all the in memory XML into a zip of XML files for distribution . |

The activities available in the Reporting group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddReportLogProperty | Adds report log properties to a collection. |
AddReportParameter |
Adds report parameters to a parameter list. Refer to the AddReportParameter activity description for more information. |
ExportReport |
Exports a report that can be attached to an email. Refer to the ExportReport activity description for more information. |
GetDefaultPrinter | Retrieves the default printer name. |
LogAccess | Records when a report is accessed. |
PrintReport | Prints a report. |
PrintReportOnSpecifiedPrinter | Prints a report to a specified printer. |
StoreReport |
Runs a report that is stored against a learner's record. Refer to the StoreReport activity description for more information. |

The activities available in the REST group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
HttpDeleteRequest |
Makes a DELETE REST call to an authenticated API (Application Programming Interface) (for example: People - Create Person ebs service). Refer to the HttpDeleteRequest activity description for more information. |
HttpGetRequest |
Makes a GET REST call to an authenticated API. Refer to the HttpGetRequest activity description for more information. |
HttpPostRequest |
Makes a POST REST call to an authenticated API. Refer to the HttpPostRequest activity description for more information. |
HttpPutRequest |
Makes a PUT REST call to an authenticated API. Refer to the HttpPutRequest activity description for more information. |

The activities available in the SDR group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CompressOutput | Compresses Single Data Return (SDR) output files. |
CreateSdrSnapshot | Creates a snapshot record for an SDR run. |
OutputCourseCompletion | Outputs an SDR course completion file for the selected ReturnId and calendar year. |
OutputCourseEnrolment | Outputs an SDR course enrolment file for the selected calendar year. |
OutputCourseRegister | Outputs an SDR course register file for the selected calendar year. |
OutputQualCompletion | Output an SDR qualification completion file for the selected ReturnId and calendar year. |
OutputStudent | Output an SDR student file for the selected ReturnId and calendar year. |
SetCompletionStatus | Sets the Completion Status. |
SetOutputDetails | Sets Output Details. |

The activities available in the Test group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
HelloWorld | Tests the 'Hello World' activity. |

The activities available in the XML/Json group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ConvertDataTableToJson | Converts a data table value to a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value. |
ConvertDataTableToXml | Converts a data table value to an XML (Extensible Markup Language) value. |
ConvertJsonStringToDictionary |
Converts a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value into a dictionary object. Refer to the ConvertJsonStringToDictionary activity description for more information. |
ConvertJsonToString |
Converts a JSON value to a string representation of a JSON object. Refer to the ConvertJsonToString activity description for more information. |
ConvertJsonToXml |
Converts JSON value to an XML (Extensible Markup Language) value. Refer to the ConvertJsonToXml activity description for more information. |
ConvertStringToJson |
Converts the input string to a JSON value. Refer to the ConvertStringToJson activity description for more information. |
ConvertStringToXml |
Converts the input string to an XML value. Refer to the ConvertStringToXml activity description for more information. |
ConvertXmlToJson |
Converts XML to a JSON value. Refer to the ConvertXmlToJson activity description for more information. |
ConvertXmlToString |
Converts XML to a string representation of an XML object. Refer to the ConvertXMLToString activity description for more information. |
GetJsonFieldValue |
Returns the JSON value for a field. Refer to the GetJsonFieldValue activity description for more information. |
GetXmlAttributeValue |
Returns the XML value for an attribute. Refer to the GetXmlAttributeValue activity description for more information. |
GetXmlFieldValue |
Returns the XML value of a field. Refer to the GetXmlFieldValue activity description for more information. |